Hallmark Holiday Cookie Cutters

I’ve long found Hallmark imprint style cookie cutters to be most attractive and wondered whether they were very collectible. I turned to the Hallmark website for information on them and found nothing. I then did an internet search on them and found contradictory information about them. One website states that production began in the 1960s and another pegged the date as 1971. I’ve listed various articles on cookie cutter collecting in my sources list at the end of the article.

Designs included holiday, babies, Disney characters, Peanuts ,Sesame Street Muppets and Raggedy Ann and Andy. They were made in both hard and soft plastic. Care instructions include not putting them in the dishwasher, washing by hand in a mild soap, and using a soft brush to remove dough. Rinse in cool water and air dry. Store by wrapping separately in something soft and store in a zipper bag or box.

When I began to look for collector books on them I only found one out of print book that focuses on Hallmark Cookie Cutters and one that focuses on cookie cutters in general.


Gallery of Hallmark Cookie Cutters

General History of Cookie Cutters

Vintage Cookie Cutters

Cookie Cutter Collectors Club

Cookie Cutter Database (subscription)



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